Hamilton’s Housing starts
Type, location, and count of housing permits issued in Hamilton
2023 Housing Starts by Type
Hamilton Census Division
The Hamilton Census Division (CD) reported a total of 3,347 housing starts in 2023. The majority of these units, approximately 75.9%, were for apartment units. Row units represented approximately 16.6% of housing starts. Single detached homes only represented 6.8% of housing starts.
Housing Starts 2022 | Apartment | Row | Single | Semi-Detached |
Unit Count | 2542 | 557 | 226 | 22 |
Source: Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation
2023 Housing Completions by Type
Hamilton Census Division
The Hamilton CMA reported 2,695 housing completions in 2023. The plurality of these completions (45.9%) were for apartment units. Row homes reflected more than one-quarter (27.4%) of completions. Single detached homes represented slightly less than one-fifth (19.1%) of completions.
Housing Starts 2022 | Apartment | Row | Single | Semi-Detached |
Unit Count | 2542 | 557 | 226 | 22 |
Source: Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation