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Home / Success Stories / Hamilton International Airport Year in Review
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Hamilton International Airport Year in Review

Quick Facts

  • Hamilton International Airport celebrated 80 years of being in business
  • $20.5 million in capital investment in Airfield Rehabilitation & Modernization
  • 3,400 total jobs created

Although passenger numbers understandably dropped directly because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were still a number of progressive activities happening at the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport.  This included the airport completing the second phase of its multi-year Airfield Rehabilitation and Modernization project. The total project cost is $38.89 million with $18.54 million funded by  Transport  Canada’s  National  Trade  Corridor  Fund  (NTCF).  For all the key information of what happened in 2020, please check out the attached 2020 Highlights HERE.

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