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Home / Success Stories / GOAT Vintage: sustainable fashion business moves to Hamilton
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GOAT Vintage: sustainable fashion business moves to Hamilton

Quick Facts

  • Hamilton is home to ~ 30,000 creative workers
  • From census period 2011-2016, Hamilton had the 4th largest rate of employment growth in Canada’s fashion industry and the number of occupations in Hamilton’s fashion sector grew by 25%.

Hamilton’s rich arts and textile history helps attract new creative industries entrepreneurs to the city. Sustainable fashion business and clothing brand, GOAT Vintage, moved their business to Hamilton and into The Cotton Factory (270 Sherman Ave N). GOAT Vintage is a recycler of used vintage clothing with a unique position in the market, having secured exclusive relationships with online and brick and mortar retailers in the US and Canada. The owner of GOAT Vintage noted Hamilton has less barriers to growth and is welcoming to smaller owner operated businesses.

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