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Advanced manufacturing IN HAMILTON

Did you know the Advanced Manufacturing sector is part of an industry that contributes $12 Billion to Ontario’s economy?

As Canada gets back to work, there are goods to be produced, buildings to be built, roads to construct and schools and hospitals to expand.  Many of the products to do this manufacturing work start in Hamilton.  The great number of businesses in Hamilton’s advanced manufacturing sector means a city that knows how to make things, a city that has established some of the strongest supply chains in North America and a city that has the talented workforce to get the job done.  In recent years, Hamilton has benefitted from major investments from L3 Harris, Stelco, Corbec and EllisDon to further the expansion of the sector as well as consistent investments in the billions of dollars from the world’s largest steelmaker ArcelorMittal (Dofasco). 

If you have an Advanced Manufacturing investment and are looking for help from Hamilton’s Economic Development Office to start an operation, expand a facility, and/or find new markets contact us!

Man wearing hardhat monitoring industrial equipment
four Canadian Flags in front of five large stainless steel coils
second floor view of a factory floor

Hamilton is at the heart of Canada’s economic engine and is centrally located within an hour’s drive of Toronto and the US border- providing its companies with quick access to 460 million consumers in North America and beyond.  Hamilton also shares in strong partnerships with over 20 post-secondary institutions in the region and is home to the Government of Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster.

Hamilton is at the heart of Canada’s economic engine and is centrally located within an hour’s drive of Toronto and the US border- providing its companies with quick access to 460 million consumers in North America and beyond.  Hamilton also shares in strong partnerships with over 20 post-secondary institutions in the region and is home to the Government of Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster.

An industry of great growth, the Advanced Manufacturing sector in Hamilton employs over 50,000 professionals and benefits from Mohawk College who graduates the highest number of apprentices in Ontario. Along with this, Hamilton is home to Canada’s most research intensive university and the university in the top 2 globally for research impact (McMaster University). More research is creating more jobs and more discoveries for individuals globally- making Hamilton a strong community for Advanced Manufacturing investment. 

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Portrait of Alfonso Principato

For the Full Picture, contact City of Hamilton’s Advanced Manufacturing Lead: Alfonso Principato

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