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Home / News / Hamilton 3D printer answers the call for COVID-19 assistance

Hamilton 3D printer answers the call for COVID-19 assistance

Local company transitions to producing personal protective equipment during global pandemic.

3D Printing Canada, based in Hamilton, has transitioned their business to print plastics straps for face shields which they assemble and ship to health-care workers. – Barry Gray , The Hamilton Spectator

3D Printing Canada, a family-owned company has built a 3D printing “farm” of roughly 30 printers at their east Mountain location, where they are manufacturing headbands and straps for face shields.

As personal protective equipment (PPE) dwindle and the numbers of patients continues to climb, 3D Printing Canada, has responded to an urgent call from government and health-care workers who are seeing PPE supplies.

“It’s similar to a WWI-type crisis, everyone has to see how they can help out,”
– Chris Niedojadlo, director of sales and marketing.

Read the full story here: Hamilton 3D printer answers the call for COVID-19 assistance