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Home / 2021-2025 Economic Development Action Plan


Building on the 2016-2020 Economic Development Action Plan, the new Plan articulates stakeholder validated opportunities and Priorities for the next five years. The EDAP has been designed to be a City-wide document that is visionary, representative, concise and action oriented.

the 2021-2025 Economic
Development Action Plan

Building on the 2016-2020 Economic Development Action Plan, the new Plan articulates stakeholder validated opportunities and Priorities for the next five years. The EDAP has been designed to be a City-wide document that is visionary, representative, concise and action oriented.

The EDAP is aligned to the City of Hamilton’s 2016-2025 Strategic Plan and its seven priorities, as well as the Term of Council Priorities. It primarily focuses on the Economic Prosperity and Growth priority of the City’s 2016-2025 Strategic Plan by leveraging the existing capacity and strengths of our local economy and by pursuing initiatives and actions to stimulate or facilitate growth.

The EDAP identifies 77 actions to be completed over the next five years as well as annual performance indicators and stretch targets that will help to quantify the impacts of the Plan.

The document has been informed by extensive stakeholder consultation, research, surveys, and improved understanding and consideration of equity, diversity and inclusion as well as climate change.

The EDAP has identified six Priorities for the next five years, which are:

• Facilitating a Skilled and Adaptable Workforce

• Enhancing Digital Infrastructure and Services

• Growing Business and Investments

• Moving Goods and People

• Revitalizing Priority Areas and Placemaking

• Building Transformational Projects

Within these six Priorities, a total of 77 Projects and Initiatives (called Actions) have been identified. An expanded Performance Measurement Section, which now includes several annual performance indicators to track and report on annually to complement ambitious Stretch Targets as first featured in the 2016-2020 Economic Development Action Plan. The ongoing status of those Actions, Indicators and Stretch Targets will be communicated to stakeholders through an annual update to Committee in the second quarter of each preceding year.