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Home / Tools & Data / Financial Incentives / Municipal Programs / COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES (CDHO) PROGRAM


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Overview: This Program is intended to provide financial assistance in the form of a low-interest Loan and Grant to promote the improvement or development of dwelling units that will create new/improved housing opportunities, including:

– Converting existing non-residential spaces into dwelling units where permitted in accordance with the applicable City zoning by-law;
– Undertaking renovations to existing dwelling units;
– Creation of new dwelling units, including accessory Dwelling Units, via building additions or new detached accessory buildings, including laneway housing; and/or
– Creation of new dwelling units through the development of vacant land, surface parking lots or redevelopment of existing buildings.  

Amount: The maximum Loan amount is $20,000 per dwelling unit to a maximum of $600,000 per property. The maximum grant amount available for professional fees and City of Hamilton fees only is $5,000  

Where: This Program applies within the following Community Improvement Project Areas: Ancaster, Barton Village, Binbrook, Concession Street, Downtown Hamilton, Dundas, Locke Street, Ottawa Street, Stoney Creek, Waterdown and Westdale Commercial Districts; all Strategic Commercial Corridors; and Properties and buildings designated under Parts IV or V of the Ontario Heritage Act located within the Hamilton Municipal Boundary.  

Goals: new housing, renovations to existing residential units, population growth