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Home / Tools & Data / Financial Incentives / Municipal Programs / COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REVITALIZATION GRANT (CDRG) PROGRAM


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Grants for Graffiti Removal

On Sept. 13, 2023, City Council approved temporary changes to the Commercial District Revitalization Grant Program to provide grants for removing graffiti on commercial and mixed-use commercial properties located within strategic commercial districts and corridors.

Commercial property owners or businesses may submit applications.

Click here to ensure the subject property is located within the outlined corridors. Only properties within the outlined corridors are eligible for a graffiti removal grant.

To submit an application solely respecting graffiti removal, click the link below to apply online.

Graffiti Removal Grant Application Form
CDRG Overview: This Program is intended to provide Grants that will support long-lasting and predominantly exterior physical improvements to the appearance, accessibility and environmental sustainability of commercial or mixed-use commercial properties located within strategic commercial districts. Activities supported by this Program include:
– Exterior building façade improvements;
– Exterior/interior improvements that achieve Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards;
– Exterior building/property improvements which improve appearance or functionality, including those that enhance the environmental sustainability of the building/property; and
– Limited interior mechanical/ventilation improvements for restaurant uses.  

Amount: The maximum Grant amount under this Program is paid on a matching basis (50%-50%) for eligible work. For maximum amounts and details, please refer to the full Program description.  

Where: This Program applies within the following Community Improvement Project Areas: all Strategic Commercial Districts (including any Business Improvement Area (BIA) located therein)  

Goals: Exterior physical improvements to appearance, functionality, accessibility and environmental sustainability

The Commercial District Revitalization Grant Program (the Program) is intended to provide Grants that will support long-lasting and predominantly exterior physical improvements to the appearance, accessibility and environmental sustainability of commercial or mixed-use commercial properties located within strategic commercial districts, including Business Improvement Areas (BIA), whose visibility and long-term success contributes to Hamilton’s image for both residents and visitors. Activities supported by this program include: • Exterior building façade improvements; • Exterior/interior improvements that achieve Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards; • Exterior building/property improvements which improve appearance or functionality including those that enhance environmental sustainability of the building/property; and • Limited interior mechanical/ventilation improvements for restaurant uses. This Program is not intended to provide support for temporary or non-permanently affixed improvements. Additional details regarding ineligible costs/improvements are provided in Section C. This Program will apply to commercial units on properties zoned to permit commercial uses which are located within the Ancaster, Barton Village, Binbrook, Concession Street, Downtown Hamilton, Dundas, Locke Street, Ottawa Street, Stoney Creek, Waterdown and Westdale Commercial District CIPAs, the Mount Hope/Airport Gateway CIPA and the Strategic Commercial Corridor CIPAs as collectively defined through the Revitalizing Hamilton’s Commercial Districts Community Improvement Project Area (RHCD CIPA) By-law. Grants provided under this Program shall be provided to the Applicant who is the Owner registered on title of the property that is the subject of the Program application or an authorized commercial tenant of said property. The Economic Development Division will periodically review the terms and availability of this Program and undertake updates from time to time subject to City Council approval and/or direction. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REVITALIZATION GRANT (CDRG) PROGRAM Page 2 of 14 Commercial District Revitalization Grant Program (September 2023) All costs associated with the improvement/development and the requirements of this Program are to be borne by the Applicant including construction, design, development charges, administration fees, professional services, appraisals, inspections, legal and registration fees, where applicable except where deemed eligible within Section C herein. The City retains the right to assess the reasonableness of costs and which costs are eligible for funding under the terms of the Program.